" Saddess 2 hav going through O the news i accumulate from different Site! " N would like 2 dedicate this cheer to Sufiah Yusof " ---- ---------- { Always believe the choice you made is right -- For your are the chosen Minority! }
1) The modern today has fact, ethic, rights ,prove, contract , agreement written from discovery of truth ... But who really can tell the truths ... God Himself ... Or God herself, Chicken or Egg....
By imaging on a thing .... it flips .... ... Anti virus for virus ...
2) Prodigy is a gift -- Not a trained! you are gifted to make your very own decision only for once dedication --- you are not majority! , as simple as .. You are Minority ---- your decision is a gift ... majority would not really understand why, where, how , when or what ? just like the first person whom start his theorem by many ssumptions to reach the moon,the majority said it is not possible ....
The first person who drop something and conclude that G - Gravity does exists...
And how people exact theory from theorem ....
................ Every Piece of Rules is a not predefined before publication .... ( As a prodigy you were, i think it is abnormal on a decision making - right or wrong, worth or not worthy! - your phylosophy ... As the options you are might have been right ----" She a mathematician a prodigy a genius ...
In Business, the way i look at it , some people might have been wrong! because, the name Sufiah Yusof is now propulated. The Past, i dont even know who is Sufiah , how she looks like.... How can someone make assuption on her decision saying .... She just turn prodigy to XXX..... She ruins the future ..... She would have been by now rich ..... Can human decide what they see...
(how could people teaching a prodigy where themself is just an armature....)
How many people would put themselfs in her standing angle.... None right! ( But many would think .... Sufiah now a hot talk-about ....
Look at those critic!
What the Press : The Wikipedia Addressed :
Sufiah Yusof (born 1985) is a former math prodigy from Britain, who has been reported to be working currently as a prostitute.
[edit] Biography
Sufiah Yusof first made headlines in 1997 when she gained entry into St. Hilda's College, Oxford University to study mathematics at the age of 13.[1][2] Her father Farooq Yusof was a pioneer in the scientifically unproven tutoring process called hothousing.
Despite being a British national, the Malaysian government had generously stepped in to meet her educational expenses[3], although it was known that her Pakistani-born father had incurred criminal convictions for mortgage-related frauds. She was lionized as a model Islamic prodigy by the Malaysian public due to her mother's national origins. The administration of former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad had viewed Sufiah as the perfect eugenic ideal, in contrast to the Malay Dilemma of genetic shortcomings.
In 2001, she ran away from her student flat in Oxford, after taking her final examination paper for the academic year.[4] She was found working as a waitress in a Bournemouth Internet cafe two weeks later, but refused to return home, alleging that her parents made life difficult for her at home.[5] She stayed with a foster family instead.
Two years later, she returned to Oxford to complete her undergraduate master, but failed to finish the year. She later married a trainee lawyer from Oxford. She was working at the time as an administrative assistant for a construction company. Her marriage ended after 13 months.
In March 2008, a reporter working undercover for the News of the World found her advertising as a prostitute under the name Shilpa Lee, quoting a rate of £130 an hour.[6][7] One of her friends described her change of fortunes as "desperately heartbreaking", adding that "her gift [for mathematics] really has been a curse".[8]
Sufiah's father Farooq pleaded guilty in April 2008 over charges of "indecently assaulting two 15-year-old girls while working as a personal tutor."[9] He had previously promised "more Sufiahs" along a production-line process utilizing hothousing techniques.
The Malaysian government had planned an ambitious "Save Sufiah Programme" to rehabilitate Sufiah and "return her to the right path,"[10] but has since aborted it.[11]
Malay Community Association of United Kingdom began funds to support 'Love Suffiah' Campaign. A delegation from Malaysia headed by Ustaz Trimizi Zainal will depart Malaysia on 19 April to treat Sufiah using Islamic Medical practice, as they believe she is under the influence of black magic.[12]
She has been studying economics at the School of Oriental and African Studies.[13]
[edit] Biography
Sufiah Yusof first made headlines in 1997 when she gained entry into St. Hilda's College, Oxford University to study mathematics at the age of 13.[1][2] Her father Farooq Yusof was a pioneer in the scientifically unproven tutoring process called hothousing.
Despite being a British national, the Malaysian government had generously stepped in to meet her educational expenses[3], although it was known that her Pakistani-born father had incurred criminal convictions for mortgage-related frauds. She was lionized as a model Islamic prodigy by the Malaysian public due to her mother's national origins. The administration of former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad had viewed Sufiah as the perfect eugenic ideal, in contrast to the Malay Dilemma of genetic shortcomings.
In 2001, she ran away from her student flat in Oxford, after taking her final examination paper for the academic year.[4] She was found working as a waitress in a Bournemouth Internet cafe two weeks later, but refused to return home, alleging that her parents made life difficult for her at home.[5] She stayed with a foster family instead.
Two years later, she returned to Oxford to complete her undergraduate master, but failed to finish the year. She later married a trainee lawyer from Oxford. She was working at the time as an administrative assistant for a construction company. Her marriage ended after 13 months.
In March 2008, a reporter working undercover for the News of the World found her advertising as a prostitute under the name Shilpa Lee, quoting a rate of £130 an hour.[6][7] One of her friends described her change of fortunes as "desperately heartbreaking", adding that "her gift [for mathematics] really has been a curse".[8]
Sufiah's father Farooq pleaded guilty in April 2008 over charges of "indecently assaulting two 15-year-old girls while working as a personal tutor."[9] He had previously promised "more Sufiahs" along a production-line process utilizing hothousing techniques.
The Malaysian government had planned an ambitious "Save Sufiah Programme" to rehabilitate Sufiah and "return her to the right path,"[10] but has since aborted it.[11]
Malay Community Association of United Kingdom began funds to support 'Love Suffiah' Campaign. A delegation from Malaysia headed by Ustaz Trimizi Zainal will depart Malaysia on 19 April to treat Sufiah using Islamic Medical practice, as they believe she is under the influence of black magic.[12]
She has been studying economics at the School of Oriental and African Studies.[13]
More Link to Sufiah Yusof : And remarks by
1. pamsong
March 31st, 2008 at 12:56 am
This is really saddening to read. A father’s love and guidance is so important for a growing girl. It makes or break her.
2. arsemput
March 31st, 2008 at 1:54 pm
sedih dan terkejut..tapi menda dah berlaku..harap ada pihak yg membantu
3. windofchange
March 31st, 2008 at 4:26 pm
This is really a sad and shocking story. I was in Manchester when this genius was in the limelight. Being Malaysian, I really appreciated her parents at that time for giving her self education which enable her to be the best student in the UK. Unfortunately IQ only is not enough. One needs good EQ (Emotional Quentinent) also in order to be reselient in life. Being good Muslim before, I hope she will find her true path in life and I always pray for her success …anyway she is still young and still has plenty of time to change…May Allah show her the truth and give her His guidance.
4. Swelez
April 2nd, 2008 at 6:52 pm
May you are helped, Sufiah. May you find peace, dearest girl. May you find the path, o Blessed child.
5. wanis311
April 8th, 2008 at 11:16 am
Dunia sudah akhir zaman…orang yang cerdik buat kerja yang tak cerdik…itu salah satu tanda. Tapi perlu diingat semua ini ada dalang disenaliknya…ianya adalah kerja musuh-musuh islam, mereka tidak akan senang melihat kerharmonian agama kita. ada saja usaha untuk memburuk2kan agama. Semoga kita akan lebih bersatu.Amin
6. azhar
April 8th, 2008 at 10:32 pm
Jangan semata mata menyalahkan musuh musuh islam, semua nya berpunca kepada Institusi perkahwinan yang rapuh semoga menjadi tauladan kepada mereka yang memilih pasangan berlainan bangsa , adat dan budaya.
7. marissa7600
April 9th, 2008 at 11:34 pm
semuanya berbalik pada diri sendiri.tuhan beri kita akal untuk membezakan mana yang halal dan haram so…fikirlah sendiri
8. marissa7600
April 9th, 2008 at 11:38 pm
alangkah ruginya kita kerana tidak menggunakan anugerah kepintaran yang tuhan berikan kearah yang diredhai tuhan.
9. agnes jabit
April 10th, 2008 at 6:23 pm
for sufiah, it’s never too late to be who you should be - a person who can appreciate the gifts of God, in turn uses that gift for goodness sake.
for all of us, there’s a lesson to be learnt - children need the love of their father and mother as they go along in life.
10. siti
April 10th, 2008 at 8:22 pm
11. kerang
April 10th, 2008 at 10:56 pm
tau xpeee mmg rugi..
12. ulat
April 11th, 2008 at 1:36 pm
kembalilah..sementara masih lagi di beri peluang olehNYA..masih ada masa lagi sebelum terlewat..semuanya terletak ditangan anda
13. mya89
April 15th, 2008 at 4:47 pm
may Allah give her a chance to build a new life….gadis yang cantik dan pintar,,adalah satu kerugian kita membiarkan sufiah terus bergelumang dengan DOSA.pada saat2 sperti ini musuh2 islam sedang gelak ketawa gembira akan kmenangan ini…ibu bapa berperanan penting dalam mndidik anak2,,MENDIDIK bukan MENDERA!!! semua perkara bergantung kepada keimanan dan ketakwaan untuk membentuk diri kearah yang bagaimana…..semoga peristiwa ini menjadi pengajaran untuk kita semua…..
14. amni
April 25th, 2008 at 5:02 pm
baik jual goreng pisang lg bagus!!!!!tobatla…
15. mansetiu
April 26th, 2008 at 6:04 pm
harap sufiah kembali ke jalan yang benar dan kita patut membantu dia, anggaplah dia tersesat jalan dan kita bantu apa yang termampu dan yang terdaya oleh kita.- mansetiu-
16. rizal
May 9th, 2008 at 8:10 pm
ni yang dinamakan pandai tapi bangang…
17. gurka
May 16th, 2008 at 3:31 pm
setiap perkara yang berlaku ada hikmah dan pengajarannya. Marilah kita sama2 berdoa untk keinsafannya dan kita jua
kun faa ya kun..
31 03 2008
It is sad to know that Sufiah Yusof
who once a Math genius that makes Malaysia felt so proud is now a prostitute
selling her body for £130 an-hour? This shock news makes me feel sad and at the
same time I felt pity on her.
Quoted “
Her friend said last night: “Sufiah
has suffered so many knocks in her life. I just hope she can drag herself out
this life she has got herself into.She is a good person and deserves a much
better life than this. Her gift really has been a curse.”
In addition to this
sad news her father, Farooq, 50, was sentenced to 18 months at Coventry Crown
Court for touching two 15-year-old girls when he was home tutoring them at
maths. No wonder his daughter turns out to be like this, yeah maybe it has been
a curse to the family.
erm…i dunno what else to say….. but I wish that she
will return back as the 12 years old Sufiah that everyone adores. InsyaALLAH.
Sorry, I can’t put the news link because I feel so sad for her for being a
hooker in order to pay the flat rent -she’s no longer staying with her family. I
hope those bloggers or any of you please don’t spread her pictures. I’m begging
you. Please try to understand her situation.
Knew this via GurindamJiwa
« 208.yummeh
trifle pliss! 210.inspirations
: Living room »
Date : 31
March 2008
Categories : Uncategorized
26 responses to “209. kun faa ya kun..”
31 03 2008
(05:42:02) :
i wonder why she would want to debase herself with men who are
her inferiors, some of them might even be dirty, entering her..the very thot is
awful..but u know..ppl’s perception of an intellect are always skewered,
thinking this sort as above human emotions
31 03 2008
cecima (05:53:12) :
yeah,this is not the only way for her to survive, but deep down I understand
her situation that turned her to be ended up like this. sigh..
31 03 2008
princessmari (08:09:16) :
Is this a real story? Wow so pity…
31 03
james (08:16:19) :
i can ofer her counsellingwhat a shame this has
happened to such a promising individualdoes anyone have a contact number for
Miss Yusof.thanks
31 03 2008
cecima (10:09:27) :
to princessmari -
yeah , this is an update from UK and with all my heart i hope this is not
to james - glad that ur interested to help her, I hope u’ll meet
someone that has her contact no. =)
let’s pray that she’ll recover
31 03 2008
bloggersiva (11:42:05) :
its true, basically in INDIA, there is a proverb that “the parents sins” falls
over their children as a curse, even though we cannot believe the superstitious
words, in this type of cases we have too, see such an genius doing hooking
business is not an simple thing for imagination right… !!
31 03 2008
rizal (14:11:21) :
How ironic!!
I was just being informed by my friend the same thing this evening..and now,
here i am reading the story. It seems to now that every blog has this sufiah’s
aka Shilpa lee story. It is indeed such a pity. How she came to be what she is
now, i have no idea and wouldn’t comment on that thing.
31 03 2008
extrapreneur (16:12:52) :
This is such a shame, to see talent wasted
like that. But is it fair on her to tell the world about it, that’ll probably
only worsen her confidence. Anyway - vist my blog at http://www.extrapreneur2.wordpress.com/
03 2008
cecima (16:48:39) :
to rizal- indeed, i dun really write my
review about malaysian stuff, but this news sadden my whole day and I have to
write something. urm..
to extrapreneur - yeah, that’s why I dun put the UK
link in here. I was so upset for them revealing this to whole wide world. This
makes her life become worsen. I hope somebody will comfort her for this
–sorry if my english is not as good as you guys~
31 03 2008
notinparis (17:59:09) :
That’s terribly sad…makes me think that the word ‘worthy’ doesn’t
31 03 2008
costumesupercenter (20:33:28) :
Wow that is terrible, I wonder what happened in order for her to resort to
something like that.
31 03 2008
Stuff White Parents Like
(22:06:00) :
That’s a shame.
31 03 2008
globalglamour (22:10:30) :
Hmm…such as shame, she seemed so promising! What happened??
03 2008
amherstdam (22:43:54) :
I think the escort link is down, too.
It’s all so sad.
1 04 2008
Malik Mohammad (00:57:36) :
The ending of
a marvelous human being in capitalism world.
1 04 2008
ami (03:08:33) :
tak sangka nye.. sangat menyedihkan :’(
p/s: love the new layout
1 04 2008
Relax Dad (03:09:43) :
a fine lesson to all
parents. don’t put too much pressure on your children. let children grow up as
normal human being not a machine. many children today have to attend endless
tution classes almost everyday and weekend. do you think this is good? teachers
always complaint that some students fall asleep during classes and not finishing
their homeworks. sending tuition may result co children being spoon feed than
trying to learn to think themselves. when they grow up they can’t be an
independent thinkers but need peers around to solve problems. being a parent
myself i never sent my children to tuition classes but rather enough with extra
classes provided by the school. at home my children spent quite a handful of
time on computer games and study when they feel they are ready. i will make a
routine to ask them almost everyday about their schools, teachers and friends.
with this they feel very relax and less stressful. honestly too i seldom help my
children with their homeworks coz i’m not well educated. i have experimented
this on my children and alhamdulillah all my three children have scored straight
A’s in all their UPSR, PMR and SPM. furthermore they got it through ordinary
school not a well established or boarding school. to you young parents try to
adopt my formula not farooq’s one. Good Luck.
1 04 2008
azryn (06:00:42)
it’s sad that an islam genius has to go on with her life like this. what
happen to her?
1 04 2008
globalglamour (10:54:11) :
I feel really bad
for her, where is she living now?? England??
04 2008
nana (11:43:14) :
very upset..
1 04 2008
Phil (11:44:17)
We all sell our bodies or minds in some way to earn a living; so if
selling sex is how she wants to earn her money it’s her choice.
1 04 2008
Mohammad Salih (13:39:01) :
I was also saddened when I saw
the news. It is the lack of deen that has resulted in this. When someone loses
taqwa, they go by the wayside. May Allah guide her.
2 04 2008
Maisarahleesa (02:55:17) :
Apabila nafsu tidak dipandu oleh iman dan
akal… beginilah jadinya…
5 04 2008
tik (08:25:38) :
i think, if her
mother bring her living in malaysia or pakistan, she will not growing up 2b that
B****…seriusly..i think…all bcoz of her surrounding. i dont think she need money
really mad bcoz her parent can support her.she has only one sister right??living
in UK not very bad…the food is cheaper,
7 04 2008
posu (02:55:07) :
kun fayakun……
7 04 2008
James Smith (14:34:36) :
People, she is
very happy with her life. She is not a common prostitute, she’s a high-class
agency escort charging £130 an hour. Her motive was, firstly, to make money to
support herself and secondly, to hurt her father who made her life hell. Nothing
else. She has stated in an interview that she loves being a call girl. She’s a
very good one too.. worth every penny of the £390 I paid.